Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chapter 22 - The Long Pause

it's been a month since i updated so i thought it would be good if i posted something here. well, lots have happened in the past month. good stuff, actually. business is picking up in Genesis IT Solutions and new opportunities are popping up for Shirts 4 Real!

college, though, is boring. everyday i dread to go for classes because there is nothing much to do! the only class that i actually did something is during Further Computing Maths. i fail to see the usefulness of these in the future.

anyway, youth Easter celebration is coming up in a couple of weeks time. lotsa preparations, practices, plannings and organizing to be done. lets keep this event in prayer as Easter is when the Lord gave His life for us. lets spread the word for the world to know that there is a love greater than everything, without boundaries.
does love matter in this world? read more here

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